Guppy Evolution Simulations and IA Practice

Content Objective: To see how changing one factor affects the changes in guppy populations

Language Objective:  Create a research question, collect data, and obtain a set of data tables and graphs related to your research question.

Guppy Netlogo Simulation 

Research Question


1.  Use this coversheet - Start writing after the rubrics!  START WRITING AFTER THE RUBRICS!!!  This will save you formatting pain later.  

2.  Determine your research question - have your teacher check it.

3Start collecting your data.  It would be best if you ran at least 10 different trials

4.  Stats Data - what you need to include.

5. Here are some common mistakes students have made in the past.

6. IA Checklist - Use when you are finished

7Submit your 1st draft on Google Classroom.