Lesson 6 and 7 - Stats and Standard Deviation

Lesson Objectives

Content Objective:  To determine when to use the most appropriate stat and to explain the significance of the critical value

Language Objective:  To create a table and paragraph describing the significance of a stat.

Syllabus Details:


Activity 1  

Read one:

Why Statistics is Important - Minitab

How statistics is taking over sports - Adam Kucarski

Watch this:

Video: How Analytics has changed football scouting

Answer this:

Why do we use stats? 

Activity 2 

 Read and watch these:

1.  Mean - what it is?

2.  Video on Standard Deviation

3.  Another explanation about standard deviation


Do these:

4. Explain the image on the right in your own words.

5. Open this document which contains the height, the length of legs, age, gender of a previous class.

6.  Figure out the standard deviation for the class for height.

Here is a video on how to do it using Google Sheets.

7.  Compare the Standard Deviation for the previous class and for NBA players (click here for the data set)

8.  Write an explanation explaining why the standard deviations and averages are different using your data to explain.

Activity 3  

Read this:



Watch this:

Null and Alternative Hypothesis


Do this:

Write a null and alternative hypothesis for comparing the height of NBA players and our class.


Watch this:

What is a p-value? (Stop when you get to "2. Normal Distribution")

Consider this:

What is a p-value?

(Optional) ...and how is it used and related to p-hacking?


Activity 5 - Which Stat to Use?

Watch this video:

How to use stats


Stats Spreadsheet - choose the appropriate stats test and add your data. It does the heavy lifting for you!  This is the only document you need to calculate stats, make sure you put your data in the green boxes only!!!  

Download and Complete:

Video Instruction with an example

Stats Practice Problems - Please answer all questions.

Which Stat to Use

Activity 6 - Reporting Stats and Stats Practice

Using the data you collected on Elodea and onion cells in lessons 5 and 6 please pick an appropriate stats test for this data.  Then: 

1. State your question and determine the null and alternative hypothesis.

2. Determine the mean and standard deviation

3. Determine which stat test you will use and justify why.

4. Carry out your stat test and complete the following table below and write a paragraph of describing your results.

5. Add this to the practice Data Analysis you did in lessons 5 and 6.

5. Please submit on Google Classroom 

Statistical Analysis  - Here is what you would need to do:

 H0 =

Ha =

Write a paragraph explaining your statistical analysis:​

 An Example:

 H0 = There is no significant statistical difference in HL biology scores between the group that studied 2 hours and the group that did not.

    Ha = There is a significant statistical difference in HL biology scores between the group that studied 2 hours and the group that did not.

Table 1:  Statistical test results between the two groups of students.

A t-test was used as the study was looking at the studying habits of two different groups of students.  The stat value of 3.43 was larger than the critical value at 2.3, showing that the difference is significant at p=0.05.  This means a significant difference between the two groups, suggesting that studying for at least 2 hours will increase the scores in HL biology.  This experiment was done with a small sample size of ten students. It is hard to generalize this study to a larger population, and similar experiments with larger groups could give more accurate results.

Home Learning

A. Strengthen Your Skills

B.  Expand Your Knowledge

How I fooled millions.... - P-hacking