Lesson 10 - Communities and Interactions

Lesson Objectives

Content Objective: Demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics and relationships within ecological communities, including intraspecific and interspecific interactions, the impact of competition and cooperation, predator-prey relationships, and the role of top-down and bottom-up control.

Language Objective: Explain the concepts of community ecology, differentiate between different types of interspecific relationships, examine the effects of resource competition, analyze predator-prey dynamics, and discuss the role of allelopathy and antibiotic secretion in community interactions using IB command terms to understand the depth needed in an answer.

Syllabus Details: 

categories of interspecific relationships within communities - "Include each type of ecological interaction using at least one example."


Activity 1  - Interspecific Relationships 

Copy this Table

Activity 2 - Predator-Prey Relationships

The reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park is often cited as a leading example of how apex predators can shape ecosystems through trophic cascades—a process that illustrates top-down control in action. In the early 20th century, wolves were eradicated from Yellowstone, leading to a series of ecological changes. Without this top predator, the populations of herbivores, particularly elk, grew substantially. These large ungulates grazed heavily on young willow and aspen trees, affecting the park’s vegetation and altering habitats for other species.

In 1995, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone, and their presence initiated a chain of events known as a trophic cascade:

By acting as a controlling force at the top of the food chain, wolves indirectly contributed to an increase in biodiversity and the restoration of ecological balance in Yellowstone. It's an instructive case of how the reintroduction or conservation of a key species can lead to large-scale environmental improvements.

Links to Videos:

Wolves in Yellowstone National Park
Other Effects of Wolves on the Yellowstone National Park Ecosystem

Activity 3  - Testing for Interspecific Competition

Task Overview: Design a concise experiment to investigate interspecific competition between two species using one of the specified techniques. Clearly define your research question, variables, and outline your method.

You will be assigned one of the following techniques:

Include in Your Design:

Example Outline:

Research Question: How does the presence of Species A affect the nutrient uptake of Species B in a shared soil environment as measured by the amount of nitrogen remaining in the soil after 30 days?

Dependent Variable: Nutrient uptake by Species B.

Independent Variable: Presence of Species A.

Control Variables:

Method Outline: In a controlled laboratory setting, plant Species B in pots with a uniform soil mix. Introduce Species A to half of these pots while keeping the other half as controls with only Species B. All pots should receive equal amounts of water, light, and be kept at the same temperature. After a growth period, measure the nutrient content of the soil and the biomass of Species B to assess the impact of interspecific competition on nutrient uptake.

Activity 4 - Identifying Types of Relationships

In the diagram below, please list what types of relationships each letter represents:

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 B.  Expand Your Knowledge

Hundreds of Raindeer died. It changed the ecosystem