Lesson 8 - Essential Nutritents and Human Nutrition

Lesson Objectives

Content Objective:  Nutrients are important for the healthy functioning of the body and an imbalance of nutrients can lead to a number of different disorders.  

Book Reference:   

Syllabus Statements (Opt D.1)


Activity 1  - Pre-Notes on syllabus details

Mr. C's Notes

Click here for the note

Activity 2 - Use the following nutritional database to anaylse your nutrient intake.  You will need to make a chart like this:

Activity 3  - Deficiences

You will be assigned two deficiencies and you will need to figure out what the symptoms are and then "mimic" those symptoms to your "doctor."  Your "doctor" will ask questions related to the deficiency.  This role play will be done in front of the class and we will guess what the deficiency might be.

See this classic Seinfield clip for inspiration.

Possible deficiencies:

- Vitamin D deficiency

- Calcium deficiency

-Vitamin C deficiency

Home Learning

A. Strengthen Your Skills

Bioninja - Vitamins (vi, vii, ix)

Bioninja - Malnutrition (i, vi)

Bioninja - Amino Acids - Skip PKU (v)

Bioninja - Lipids - Skip Cholesterol (iv) 

IBBIologyhelp - focus on the relevant syllabus topics (i-ix)

 B.  Expand Your Knowledge