Lesson 4 and 5 - Cell Respiration

Lesson Objectives

Content Objective: To explain how glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain results in the production of ATP. 

Language Objective: Using the whiteboards, describe the process of glycolysis, krebs cycle the the electron transport chain.

Syllabus Details: 


Activity 1  - Notes

Activity 2 - POGIL

POGIL - Cell Respiration

Home Learning

A. Strengthen Your Skills

Notes (this updates as I update)

Bioninja - Cell Respiration

IB Guides - Cell Respiration



Electron Transport Chain

ATP Synthase - There are a few details about number of protons and so forth.  Do not worry about this.

Crash Course - Cell Respiration - video

Khan Academy - Cell Respiration - video

 B.  Expand Your Knowledge

Evolution of cell respiration - Interesting in that fermentation probably evolved first and cell respiration probably developed from photosynthesis.

36 or 38 ATP molecules? Ummm. No clear answer.  38 ATP molecules is the total theoretical yield, that said this can depend on many factors (click here).  In the IB world – 36 APT molecules is the “accepted” value.