Lesson 8 and 9 - Transport in Membranes

Lesson Objectives

Content Objective: Explore the structure and function of membrane proteins, including integral and peripheral proteins, and their roles in facilitated diffusion, active transport, and cell-cell recognition, using examples like channel proteins, pump proteins, glycoproteins with ABO antigens, and the principles of simple diffusion and selective permeability.

(HL) Investigate the roles and differences between free ribosomes and the rough endoplasmic reticulum in protein synthesis, the function of the Golgi apparatus in protein processing and secretion, and the involvement of vesicles, specifically the role of clathrin, in cellular transport mechanisms.

Language Objective: Describe and compare the mechanisms by which molecules traverse cell membranes, emphasizing the roles of different proteins in maintaining cellular homeostasis and the specificity of membrane permeability through facilitated diffusion, active transport, and simple diffusion processes.

(HL) Explain and contrast the pathways of protein synthesis for intracellular use versus export, elucidate the Golgi apparatus's processing and secretion functions, and describe the formation and function of vesicles, highlighting clathrin's role, to articulate how cells organize and execute the distribution of proteins. 

Syllabus Details: 

B2.1.4 - Integral and peripheral proteins in membranes - "Emphasize that membrane proteins have diverse structures, locations and functions. Integral proteins are embedded in one or both of the lipid layers of a membrane. Peripheral proteins are attached to one or other surface of the bilayer."

B2.1.6 - Channel proteins for facilitated diffusion - "Students should understand how the structure of channel proteins makes membranes selectively permeable by allowing specific ions to diffuse through when channels are open but not when they are closed."

B1.1.7—Role of glycoproteins in cell–cell recognition - “Include ABO antigens as an example.”

B2.1.7 - Pump proteins for active transport - "Students should appreciate that pumps use energy from ATP to transfer specific particles across membranes and therefore that they can move particles against a concentration gradient."

B1.1.7—Role of glycoproteins in cell–cell recognition - “Include ABO antigens as an example.”

B2.1.3 - Simple diffusion across membranes - “Use movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules between phospholipids as an example of simple diffusion across membranes."

B2.1.8 - Selectivity in membrane permeability - "Facilitated diffusion and active transport allow selective permeability in membranes. Permeability by simple diffusion is not selective and depends only on the size and hydrophilic or hydrophobic properties of particles."

B2.2.7 (HL)—Structure and function of free ribosomes and of the rough endoplasmic reticulum - "Contrast the synthesis by free ribosomes of proteins for retention in the cell with synthesis by membrane bound ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum of proteins for transport within the cell and secretion."

B2.2.8 (HL)—Structure and function of the Golgi apparatus - Limit to the roles of the Golgi apparatus in processing and secretion of protein.

B2.2.9 (HL) —Structure and function of vesicles in cells - “Include the role of clathrin in the formation of vesicles"

B2.1.14 AHL Gated ion channels in neurons - "Include nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as an example of a neurotransmitter-gated ion channel and sodium and potassium channels as examples of voltage-gated channels."

B2.1.15 AHL Sodium–potassium pumps as an example of exchange transporters - "Include the importance of these pumps in generating membrane potentials."

B2.1.16 AHL Sodium-dependent glucose cotransporters as an example of indirect active transport - "Include the importance of these cotransporters in glucose absorption by cells in the small intestine and glucose reabsorption by cells in the nephron."

"B2.1.17—Adhesion of cells to form tissues - ""Include the term “cell-adhesion molecules” (CAMs) and the understanding that different forms of CAM are used for different types of cell–cell junction. Students are not required to have detailed knowledge of the different CAMs or junctions."


Activity 1  - Types of Membrane Proteins Notes

Activity 2 - Phospholipid and Membrane protein transport kit


Activity 3  - Transport Practice Questions

Click here

Activity 4  - Processing and Transport of Protein Notes (HL Only)

Activity 5  - Data Analysis Practice (HL Only)

Activity 1
Activity 2

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